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China Lodging Group introduces new brand

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

China Lodging Group is introducing a seventh brand—Elan Hotel—to allow the company to expand its dominance in the economy hotel segment in China.

China Lodging Group is introducing a seventh brand—Elan Hotel—to allow the company to expand its dominance in the economy hotel segment in China, reports HNN’s Ed Watkins.

The company’s economy HanTing Hotel and Hi Inn brands have performed well, but there is a niche in the market it felt it could fill, said Qi Ji, the company’s founder, executive chairman and CEO, during an earnings call with analysts.

Qi said Elan will share many core standards with HanTing, including such things as property management systems, mattress and bath standards, and standards for Wi-Fi, but owners will be given more leeway in design and décor standards. Company executives didn’t say when the new brand will debut, but they said they have a long-term goal of 1,400 Elan properties.

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