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Skyscanner, ForwardKeys partner for improved flight intelligence

时间:2018-06-22 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Skyscanner and travel trends analyst ForwardKeys have partnered to enhance the statistics they gather on air travel patterns.

The collaboration will enable two new ForwardKeys flight searches tools to reveal macro traveller trends- ’Travel Willingness’ and ‘Catchment Area’- which Skyscanner captures as part of its Travel Insight platform. It also allows organizations to anticipate traveler needs, better manage staffing and resources, and evaluate marketing efforts.

The data informing the new ForwardKeys categories is based on Skyscanner’s more than 70 million monthly active users and over 1,200 global partners, combined with ForwardKeys’ own flight booking data.

ForwardKeys expects to highlight opportunities for a range of travel services providers such as:

* Leakage areas - to highlight where an airport is losing business to a competitor and how they might gain greater market share.

* Marketing and merchandising opportunities - analyzing the geographic make-up of the future footfall to a destination to inform regional marketing strategy investments.

* Return on investment - offering insights into the effectiveness of campaigns by destination marketing organizations, tourism boards and airports.

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