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2018 EU-China Tourism Year: Chinese arrivals in Europe up 9.3%

时间:2018-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The European Travel Commission (ETC) and ForwardKeys have released a detailed study to help Europe’s tourism industry tap into the Chinese outbound travel market.

The findings indicate that Chinese tourism to Europe is increasing. In the first four months of this year, Chinese arrivals in Europe were up 9.3% on the equivalent period last year and forward bookings for the period May-August are currently 7.9% ahead.

According to the report, the top destinations for Chinese tourists are Germany, which has seen an increase of 7.9%, and France, with an increase of 11.4%. In terms of growth, standout destinations were Turkey, up 74.1%, Ukraine, up 27.6% and Hungary, up 15.2%. 

The 2018 EU-China Tourism Year initiative seeks to support commercial, cultural and tourism success between Europe and China. It enhances economic cooperation while improving travel experiences.

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