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56 private clubs in Hangzhou to be transformed into cultural hall

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

56 high-end clubs in Hangzhou West Lake District were closed earlier this year. Plans for the reconstruction of 16 high-end clubs have been carried out.

56 high-end clubs in Hangzhou West Lake District were closed earlier this year. Plans for the reconstruction of 16 high-end clubs have been examined and approved by relevant departments. These 16 high-end clubs have begun to reconstruct, but the others are still closed until the end of this year.

Earlier this year, Hangzhou started a special operation to ‘strike and punish the bad trends in high-end clubs’ and a large-scale rectification of the private clubs and high-end entertainment places in the scenic spot, park and residences of notables. The whole city closed 56 private clubs which included 30 in West Lake District.

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