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More Chinese “parvenus” build overseas hotel

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

In recent years, China’s outbound travel showed explosive growth. Bright outbound travel market leads to more competitions in hotel industry.

In recent years, China's outbound travel showed explosive growth. In 2013, 98.19 million Chinese travelled overseas as tourists and the cost on the outbound travel reached 120 billion dollars. Bright outbound travel market leads to more competitions in hotel industry. Especially as the free outbound travel becomes increasingly popular, domestic visitors need more about the transportation, tour guide, restaurants and tickets of the destination. More and more Chinese rich businessman and enterprises invest in the overseas real estate, hotels and some other related industries. With these investments, Chinese tourists can enjoy more “Chinese style service” outside China. 


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