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Tourism big-data provider Lishi Technology closes B round of financing

时间:2018-05-29 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Lishi Technology, a leading comprehensive tourism big-data service provider in China, announced on May 26 that it has completed its B round of financing. Miteno, Prosperity Investment and its affiliate Beijing Advanced Industry Fund were the lead investors, and TUBAO, HSDP and other institutions also participated in the investment.

So far, the company has raised a total of 100 million yuan.

Lishi Technology mainly serves provincial and city governments, tourist attractions, travel-related companies and OTAs, offering SaaS services, big-data mining & analysis, software & hardware development, and online operation and marketing. 

Its four core products include the tourism big-data center Shujujia, OTS online travel service platform Youguanjia, intelligent attraction management platform Jingguanjia and smart rural tourism management platform Xiangguanjia.

The funds will be used for the R&D of products and technology, recruitment of talented personnel and project investment. Lishi Technology will also achieve strategic cooperation with Miteno and Prosperity Investment.

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